Saturday, September 11, 2021

Open range or fair game: somebody said they might have seen you where the ocean meets the ive been out here all night looking for your footprints in the sand..I'm outta here.

GO GO GO!.THE Real U. Breaking the Silence. Sent on a course, a course to the neverlands. Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers: Birds. Become a millionaire by dreaming big even in the worst of times.

Your strength comes from within and knowing that you Goodness is close to you with her core of inner peace that is unshakable.Blame who:Tree To Grow, Picture Shows, Tree Growing Out Of His Head, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, weekend laughs. Mistakes: bumps in the road, Maya Moore: Notes on Veterans in questions, pieces of witty remarks, growth, and changes. Help to direct, help to guide, rides to places of interest, needed still.

When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright But came dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night So say good morning .Rolling Stones, Songs And Bands, Daddy's' Home, Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Open range or fair game: somebody said they might have seen you where the ocean meets the ive been out here all night looking for your footprints in the sand..I'm outta here.

 The Wall: 😩💔The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil.Realms of flight, realms of sights, white lights, joys and pieces of the happiness, lots of love to spare. Lots of love to make, lots of joys to share, lots of tests over time, lots of time in the light.☪IN THE SHADOW.. ..Fuck what people think, just do you. I promise…❤️.Time of our lives are here, the best that we can be, be a honey bee in all things. ☪IN THE SHADOW.. .6 million dead for the dreams of a mad man. Gifts for the future Jewish White-Super-sized Whales in a tribe that loves to cry the blues about their joys and pains in the history of man. 

INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.
 Open range or fair game: somebody said they might have seen you where the ocean meets the ive been out here all night looking for your footprints in the sand..I'm outta here.

 if so email me .No matter how impossible, unattainable, or unimaginable something may seem... If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.Community. Honor.You don't have to like me and I don't have to give a shit. Jot that down.Keep crying, I've got more vials I can fill with conservative tears.

INDEPENDENT WOMEN:Sisters Across The USA: Winners, Losers, Learners, Heads In Clouds.

Faith is the secret to happiness for all people. When you truly forge your mind of faith, you will become an eternal victor throughout the three existences of past, present and future

Barry White - Practice What You Preach:Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, decades of dances on the right sides. Write and rites, tales told, stories left, gifts to share.

Foreclosure, divorce, job loss, eviction, delinquent taxes.That's just a few ways houses are becoming vacant every day all around you... which means there’s an ENDLESS supply of newly vacated houses available at all times.

'Killing Michael Jackson' doc shows lifelike baby doll, baby photo shrine in star’s bedroom when he died
This is a black coyote.. defending its pups.. I read on FB that they are being pushed out of their natural habitat .. like all of our precious animals these days for what they call progress..When I seen a few comments that they should all be killed..

 HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.Yoga bends. Yoga stretches. Yoga realizes is out of shape. Yoga pants.COVER STORY.Change the way you see what is right, with the bumps in the roads. Monkeys swing from dogwood trees, biblical tales to spin,frogs and fools also. you views of joy and pleasures, or wishes to float your boat?Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.

  •  Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:I DECIDED TO KILL IT NOW..F E E L I N G S .R.I.P TO THE FEELINGS I HAD FOR YOU.Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting,Monkeys swing from dogwood trees, biblical tales to spin,frogs and fools also. you views of joy and pleasures, or wishes to float your boat?Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.

    • The Avengers John Steed GIF

    • LIFE QUOTES:Fools, Freaks, Snakes, Worms, Spiders And Fakes, Actors To Parts, Horses To Races.Turning pages. Stand back up.Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time.

Peter Pan, last again. Good Times, Bones In A Box, Glory Dazes Done, Pages To Books, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Snakes In The Grass, Dicks Out Of The Box, Steers, Queers, Pigs, Hogs, Cheap Tricks, Craigslist Frogs. Dimes To Drop, Cards To Read.Disneyland, the happy place for me. Pages to books, books to libraries, good times, ships to past, boats to float

 History Noted. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO CHALLENGE YOUR OWN BELIEFS :THEN YOU ARE YOUR OWN MOST EFFECTIVE PRISON WARDEN. Don't ever allow anyone to take you for granted, you are too valuable not to be appreciated. It's so dope to watch ppl succeed and do cool shit in life.The Very Best of Jazz Divas: Thanks so much, for your time and attention.WORDS: old enough to consent.The problem is; we are not perfect.You? Me? Us?Love friends forever.

 Rights, reasons, seasons in the sun, songs to sing, marches to madness, seven dazes a week. Don’t worry about anything today."If I am to be strong enough to fight and struggle for freedom, I must be wise enough to embrace and cherish the times of happiness.

Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state, out of the red seas, coins to flip.Before The Knights, Kings, And Lions, Monkeys In Packs, Donkey Dates, Free Dinner. Rainbow Racers. Worlds in colors, world in the blue state...